Monday, November 14, 2011

A Few First Words

I'd like my story to start right here, in this moment. I have no past, and the future is what I make of it. What is the point of going over my history for you, writing it down, only to dig up decaying skeletons. The past has no hold over me. I am free from all the bad things, problems, and memories. I take a few of the good ones with me though.

A few months ago I found out I am "with child". Currently, my belly is just starting to make it's trek over my toes. I found it impossible to stay comfortable in my old skinny jeans, and have traded them in for sweat pants and stretchy yoga apparel. I am on the verge of going shopping for maternity wear, only I hate to spend the money on items I'll only use for a few months. I do not plan on having another child for a long time... In fact, the one I have now is an accident, a surprise baby!

Next Monday I have an appointment at the baby doctor to find out the sex of my baby. Once we find out the nursery will be on it's way to completion. I have a lot of fun ideas to try out! Of course, I'll take pictures along the way for all of you.


  1. Congrats!

    It is weird though, that moment that you realize there's something living in your body that won't go away with antibiotics. :)

    Enjoy every moment. Even the tough ones. It's all worth it in the end.

  2. Dear Ashley, I don't know how I came to be following your Blog, I really don't; I guess somehow an old Blog was given up and you were then given the domain?? I guess Blogger only has a finite number of domains to hand out?
    Whatever, that's all by the by.
    I love your style of prose and am hooked already. Good luck with the writing and, of course, with your baby.
